- Creme fraiche
- Flaked hazelnuts (I don't think they exist outside of London)
- Filo pastry
- Normal pastry (Need more information girl)
- Dried cranberries.
So at about ten o'clock last night she produced these beautiful filo shapes piled with mincemeat (we already had that) and dusted with icing sugar, served with a dollop of creme fraiche on the side. Quite delicious but probably not what you need just before bedtime

He also liked the actual real reindeer but after that made me focus solely on trees. I was all for buying the traditional CHEAP and PROPER old style tree but the kids have grown up with the whole no-drop spruce thing going on from when there was money in this house so yes, you guessed it we've got one of those. Anyway it's been in the pond for a week so it won't be thirsty when it comes in.
The Shed |
I sent youngest up into the loft last night to get the tree stand out and he came back with nothing. In some scenarios the boy is a genius but show him a fridge full of food and he won't see the milk right under his nose. He can always spot pizza though. So I wasn't surprised that he couldn't find the stand. But it turned out he was right and it wasn't there - so this morning I ventured into the 'once was a playhouse is now a shed' and there it was buried under essential - I'll need it one day - bits and pieces.
Newer and oldish - spot the twisted screws, hefty tree that year! |
As I carried it in I noticed the old tree stand from a couple of years ago by the back door - I must get up to the tip one day!
So now it's ready to go up this evening, how exciting! I love doing the tree, I get the Christmas tunes on and pick up all those decs that I've bought over the years or that the kids have made and they all make me smile. We've got the classic pine cones rolled in glitter; Playgroup circa 1998 to White Paper Angel Doilys (Frogwell School) circa 2000 moving right up to glitzy silvered and antiqued baubles and little beaded things from that shop that used to sell all the cushions and candles and went bust. The Pier! (Knew I'd remember it eventually) The thing I love about our decs is they don't match and there are LOADS of them. I don't do much to the rest of the house but the tree is HEAVING!
When the kids were little I started buying them a dec each every year. The theory was that when they left home they would have a 'starter kit' to take away with them. But I have grown to love these baubles and I'm sorry kids, but I'm keeping them.
When the kids were little I started buying them a dec each every year. The theory was that when they left home they would have a 'starter kit' to take away with them. But I have grown to love these baubles and I'm sorry kids, but I'm keeping them.
BUT by far the funniest festive thing this week was receiving a parcel yesterday. It was addressed to me and I didn't remember ordering anything. I opened it to see this message...
Now I went to Ynot festival in August purely to see The Temperence Movement and if you haven't seen them and like bluesy rock check out Only Friend then go and buy a ticket, although they are selling even faster than the hottest hot cakes so be quick.
The festival was ok but the security staff were miserable buggers and I told them so in my online feedback which I also put my name on. I mean if you asked to look in my bag and then just held it and squeezed it a lot and I said 'You've just crushed my crisps' You'd expect a flicker of amusement wouldn't you? Nope, dead pan miserable bugger face. That wasn't the only incident, they were like it all weekend. So, amongst other things all very constructive, I said I wouldn't be back.
I think they must have thought they'd try and cheer me up and send me a Ynot hoody for Christmas. How very hilarious of them. I love the #yolo and #The Pogues - I wonder which Fairy Tale in New York insult they think fits me best? Whatever, I am not wearing said hoody.
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