Thursday, 21 November 2013

Suuuuuny Wiltshire!

Oh it is just beautiful outside today. The rain was LASHING at my window last night so I was surprised to see it so sunny this morning. We're 3/4 of the way through this 30 Day Challenge and tonight there's a big meet up of some of the people involved up in Laaandon. If I'd been more organized, and if I'd had any leave from work left, I'd have gone as we're in the city this weekend anyway. But, no leave and the usual lack of organisation SO there's also a mini-meet up in Bristol - yay for the South West! - so I'm going to that.

I haven't walked into a bar on my own for many years so arranged to pick another SWLPer up from the station and then she texted to say 'Had you thought about the train?' Well, blow me down, no I hadn't! I am so used to bombing (within all speed limits anyway) up and down the M4 to see the other half that I forget I can get the train there too. So, get me, I'm going on a train. To meet a group of strangers. I'm sure it'll all be fine. No, really - anyway if I go missing it's the Watershed between 6.30 and 9 so you can start the search there.

So my project is about free outsidey things and I'm currently uploading a lot of photos to photobox cos I want to print them off and make my pdf a little like a scrapbook with my writing in too. I even bought some beautiful drawing inks last night in case I fancy adding a little colour. Then my sister reminded me that I'd been bought some on a BIG DAY OUT in London when we were children - and she was away at Brownie camp. She wasn't happy at all. And she STILL remembers it, ooops!

So here's a couple of sneak preview project pics. Let me know what you think - although so far I have told no on about this blog except fellow SWLPer Keira who is doing some marvellous family things with her children. I expect we could link that onto each other's blogs at some point.


  1. I love the addition of the candles. It would be nice to wrap up warm and sit outside on a calm, dull, winter day with this lovely array of leaves displayed in your garden. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks Karen, a glass of mulled wine too perhaps?!
